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‘World’s fastest’ microscope captures electron motion in striking detail

‘World’s fastest’ microscope captures electron motion in striking detail

The researchers generated a single attosecond electron pulse to capture an electron in a fixed state, matching the speed at which electrons move.

Srishti Gupta

7 days ago

Humpback whales create ‘bubble nets’ to catch more prey in single dive

Humpback whales create ‘bubble nets’ to catch more prey in single dive

Humpback whales are not simply hunting for food; they create sophisticated tools.

Mrigakshi Dixit

7 days ago

Heaviest antimatter nucleus unveiled in atom smasher experiment milestone

Heaviest antimatter nucleus unveiled in atom smasher experiment milestone

The scientists utilized a massive, house-sized particle detector to identify the unique decay products of antihyperhydrogen-4: antihelium-4 and a positively charged pion.

Aman Tripathi

7 days ago

Salsa hack: 50% recycled glass mix boosts cilantro, pepper, jalapeño plant growth

Salsa hack: 50% recycled glass mix boosts cilantro, pepper, jalapeño plant growth

Preliminary results suggest that recycled glass not only accelerates plant growth but also prevents fungal growth.

Sujita Sinha

7 days ago

‘Orgasm in color’: Rare condition paints man’s pleasure pink after sex

‘Orgasm in color’: Rare condition paints man’s pleasure pink after sex

Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon where senses that are typically separate become intertwined.

Srishti Gupta

8 days ago

This clever spider uses captured firefly signals to lure and trap its next meal

This clever spider uses captured firefly signals to lure and trap its next meal

A new study shows how spiders exploit firefly communication, using mimicry to lure male fireflies into their webs.

John Loeffler

8 days ago

World’s oldest penis: 425-million-year-old crab fossil reveals ancient sex secrets

World’s oldest penis: 425-million-year-old crab fossil reveals ancient sex secrets

The oldest penis on record belongs to a 1 long 425 million-year-old crustacean known as an ostracod.

Maria Mocerino

9 days ago

Next-gen nuclear clocks that are 10x more accurate developed using lasers

Next-gen nuclear clocks that are 10x more accurate developed using lasers

Nuclear clocks are 10 times more accurate than optical atomic clocks which shows potential for unraveling dark matter.

Shubhangi Dua

10 days ago

Brain creates multiple copies of single memory for robust storage

Brain creates multiple copies of single memory for robust storage

The brain stores memories for varying lengths of time, modifies them to different extents, and may sometimes erase them.

Shubhangi Dua

10 days ago

New states of matter unveiled in ‘first time’ quantum flatland discovery

New states of matter unveiled in ‘first time’ quantum flatland discovery

This development was observed under extreme conditions of near absolute zero temperatures (-459°F or -273°C) and intense magnetic fields nearly 100,000 times stronger than Earth’s.

Aman Tripathi

10 days ago

Ultra-cool quantum breakthrough achieved in a 1st can transform aircraft navigation

Ultra-cool quantum breakthrough achieved in a 1st can transform aircraft navigation

For the first time, ultra-cool quantum sensors used in space can contribute to the development of better and more accurate navigation technologies.

Magnetic monopoles exist? CERN’s Large Hadron Collider pipe comes close to finding out

Magnetic monopoles exist? CERN’s Large Hadron Collider pipe comes close to finding out

Despite being an old piece of pipe destined for disposal, the researchers’ predictions suggested it might be the most promising place on Earth to find a magnetic monopole.

Paired electron ‘dance’ can help create room-temperature superconductors

Paired electron ‘dance’ can help create room-temperature superconductors

Unexpectedly, the phenomenon was observed in an antiferromagnetic insulator, a material where such behavior was considered highly improbable.

Aman Tripathi

12 days ago

Threat: Arctic permafrost melting emits harmful mercury in Alaska’s Yukon River

Threat: Arctic permafrost melting emits harmful mercury in Alaska’s Yukon River

Arctic permafrost melting due to climate change releases mercury sequestered for millennia into Alaska’s Yukon River, endangering a vital freshwater source.

Shubhangi Dua

12 days ago

Space bar: Faster brewed, better-tasting beer possible in microgravity

Space bar: Faster brewed, better-tasting beer possible in microgravity

When placed in microgravity, yeast behaves differently and ferment faster.

Mrigakshi Dixit

12 days ago

Earliest record of ‘snowball Earth’ revealed by 720-million-year-old rocks

Earliest record of ‘snowball Earth’ revealed by 720-million-year-old rocks

Scottish rocks dating back 662 to 720 million years ago may serve as a ‘golden spike’ marking the start of the Cryogenian Period.

Sujita Sinha

12 days ago

Zebrafish’s unique healing raises hope for human spinal cord injury treatment

Zebrafish’s unique healing raises hope for human spinal cord injury treatment

The study suggests resilient neurons are the key to regeneration.

Mrigakshi Dixit

12 days ago

Australia: Underwater robot crashes girls-only shark slumber party on ocean floor

Australia: Underwater robot crashes girls-only shark slumber party on ocean floor

Thousands of sharks were found napping on the seabed of Beagle Marine Park.

Mrigakshi Dixit

12 days ago

Underground orchestra by tiny creatures is a sign of healthy soil, finds study

Underground orchestra by tiny creatures is a sign of healthy soil, finds study

The study shows that the acoustic method is as effective as traditional soil health tests and could be more accessible and less invasive.

Sujita Sinha

12 days ago

Mount Etna eruption: Europe’s volcano spews lava and ash, cancels flights

Mount Etna eruption: Europe’s volcano spews lava and ash, cancels flights

The surrounding area has been carpeted with lava and ash from the volcano, causing flights at Catania airport to be put on hold.

Kapil Kajal

13 days ago